Biography of President Suharto

Biography of President Suharto
 Indonesian President 2

Suharto was known as the only president in Indonesia, which has a maximum term of around 32 years. Known as the "Father of Development", under the reign of Suharto Indonesia successfully delivered into the country in which the self-sufficiency in agriculture sector is growing very rapidly through Rapelitanya Program. This article will review the profile or biography of the life of President Suharto. Former Indonesian president was born in Kemusuk second, Yogyakarta on June 8, 1921 from the womb of a mother named Sukirah and his father who was an assistant headman in the field of irrigation fields and also at the same time a farmer named Kertosudiro. When Suharto was eight years old started school but he often moved around the school. Originally it was a school in the village school (SD) Tens, Godean then he moved to SD Pedes because his family moved to Kemusuk, Kidul. After that, then his father Kertosudiro move Suharto to Wuryantoro. He then lived with Prawirohardjo dititipkn and a paramedic Tani's sister who is married to Suharto.

Precisely in the year 1941 at the NCO School, Gombong in Central Java, Suharto was elected as a soldier Telatan, since childhood he was aspiring to be a soldier or military. later on October 5, 1945 after Indonesian independence, Suharto then officially became a member of the military. After that then Suharto married Siti Hartinah or Ibu Tien who is the son of a Mangkunegaran on December 27, 1947 in which age was 26 years Suharto ethics and Mrs. Tien Siti Hartinah or 24 years old. Of marriage later she endowed with six children, namely Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti, Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmodjo, Siti Hediati Herijadi, Tommy Suharto and Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih.

Long and winding road passed by Suharto as a career military and political career. In the military field Suharto start with the rank of sergeant KNIL soldiers, from where he later became commander of MAP in the Japanese colonial era, after which he served as regimental commander rank of major later served battalion commander with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Indonesian history can not be separated from the events known as the General Offensive March 1, 1949, it is important to note events in the nation's history when the nation's formal independence from the Netherlands for three and a half centuries. Many versions say that the role of Suharto when seized Yogyakarta that time as capital of the Republic of Indonesia in the General Offensive March 1 can not be separated. The purpose of the general strike on March 1 is to show the international world of the existence of the TNI (Indonesian National Army) when it is in defense of the Indonesian nation. In leadership, Suharto seized Yogyakarta city from the grip of Dutch colonizers at that time. At that time he also became the guardian of the Great Commander General Sudirman. In operation liberation of West Irian from the Dutch when it was he who became commander of the Mandala, which was centered in Makassar.

When the events of the G-30-S / PKI erupted on October 1, 1965, Suharto then move quickly take control of the leadership of the Army when it and then issue a command prompt to regulate and control the chaotic state of the country as a result of the coup enumerated by the PKI. After the events of the G-30-S / PKI, Suharto later served as Commander of the Army replacing General Ahmad Yani, who died at the hands of the PKI. Besides as Commander of the Army, Soeharto also served as Commander appointed by President Sukarno at that time. Suharto's career peak when he received Supersemar otherwise known as "Supersemar" enumerated by President Sukarno in March 1966 where his job is to ensure security and also order the state of chaos after the coup carried out by the PKI and practice the teachings of the Revolution Bung Karno.

After the events of the G-30-S / PKI political situation and the Indonesian government also continued to deteriorate, then in March 1967 in a special session of the People's Consultative Assembly then appointed Soeharto as President of The Republic of Indonesia that replaces President Sukarno, where the inaugural conducted in March 1968. The reign President Suharto known as the New Order period in which political policies both within and outside the country changed by President Soeharto. One is the return of Indonesia as a member of the United Nations (UN Bansa) on September 28, 1966 following earlier during the Sukarno, Indonesia came out as a UN member.

In the early stages, Suharto draw a very firm line. Political exclusion made against people associated with the Communist Party of Indonesia. Criminal sanctions is done by holding the Extraordinary Military Tribunal to prosecute Suharto constructed as a rebel. The court held, and some of those involved "dumped" into Buru even partially related or supporters of the party PKI still consumed with how mass execution in the woods by the military at that time. Suharto government program aimed at national economic rescue efforts, especially stabilization and economic rehabilitation. What is meant by the stabilization of economic means to control inflation in the price of goods surged not continue. And economic rehabilitation is the improvement of physical infrastructure and economic infrastructure. The essence of this policy is the economic system development plan that ensures the ongoing economic democracy towards the realization of a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila.

Stabilsasi program is carried out by means of stem inflation. And the Suharto government managed to stem the rate of inflation at the end of 1967-1968, but the prices of basic commodities rose jumped. Cabinet formed after the construction in July 1968, the government shifted its economic policy on a strict control of the movement of prices of goods, especially food, clothing, and foreign exchange rates. Since then the national economy is relatively stable

After successfully restoring the political condition of Indonesia, the next steps taken by the New Order government is implementing national development. Government's national development effort is realized through the development time short-term and long-term development. Short Term pambangunan designed by Five-Year Development (Pelita). Each Pelita has the mission of development in order to achieve the level of welfare of the people of Indonesia. While the long-term development covering a period of 25-30 years. National development is a series of sustainable development efforts covering all aspects of society, the nation, and the State. National development carried out in an effort to achieve national goals are written in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

In the new order, the government has a policy that does not change too significantly for 32 years. Because at that time the government succeeded in presenting a political stablilitas thus supporting the economic stability. Because of that, the government rarely do these policy changes, especially in terms of the state budget. During the New Order government, economic policies oriented to economic growth. The economic policies supported by political stability which is run by the government. It is poured into the jargon of economic policy called Trilogy development, namely political stability, stable economic growth and equitable development. From this success that President Suharto came to be called the "Father of Development".

Point fall of Suharto, when in 1998 where the future is a dark period for the entry of President Suharto and the Indonesian reform period, the magnitude of the demonstration by students and people who are not satisfied with the leadership of Suharto and the increasing uncontrolled economic and political stability of Indonesia, on May 21, 1998 at 9:05 pm Soeharto read the speech "a statement stops as RI president" after the collapse of support for him. Indonesian president Suharto has been for 32 years. Before he resigned, Indonesian political and economic crisis

within 6 to 12 months earlier. BJ Habibie to continue at least a year from the rest of his presidency before being replaced by Abdurrahman Wahid in 1999. The fall of Suharto also marks the end of the New Order, a regime in power since 1968, or for 32 years.

Both Indonesian President Soeharto died at 13:10 pm Sunday, January 27, 2008. General Large honor awarded by the Assembly as the father of National Development, it died at the age of 87 years after being treated for 24 days (from 4 to 27 January 2008) in the Hospital Pertamina (RSPP), Jakarta. News of the death of President Soeharto was first informed police chief Kebayoran Baru, Commissioner. Dicky Sonandi, in Jakarta, Sunday (27/1). Then formally Team Physician Presidential convey a press release about the death of President Soeharto promptly at 13:10 pm Sunday, January 27, 2008 in Jakarta RSPP multi-organ failure due.

Then approximately at 14:40, the body of former President Suharto departed from PCH to the residence in Jalan Cendana number 8, Menteng, Jakarta. Ambulances carrying the bodies of a number of vehicles accompanied Soeharto family and relatives and bodyguards. A number of journalists pushed convoy approaching when the vehicle is moving towards Jalan Cendana, resulting in a television journalist hit.

Along the Cape and Jalan Cendana thousands of communities to welcome accompaniment vehicle carrying the bodies of Soeharto. Residents sobs broke so the series vehicle carrying the corpse of former President Suharto entered Cendana, approximately at 14:55, Sunday (27/1).

Meanwhile, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla and a number of ministers who are following a cabinet meeting on food security, taking hold a press conference for 3 minutes and 28 seconds at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Sunday (27/1). The President expressed deep condolences over the death of former Indonesian President Suharto Both Haji Muhammad.

If direnungkah many great services performed Suharto for the construction and development of Indonesia in the eyes of the international community, sebagan the people who once lived in the days of President Suharto Suharto era is considered the golden age ndonesia, because the prices of basic necessities are cheap in those days that is inversely proportional to the nowadays, stable economic growth, President Suharto succeed in changing the face of Indonesia which was originally a net importer of rice into the country self-sufficient in rice and farmers also prosper. President Suharto's future development sector is considered the most advanced through Repelita to Repelita VI.

Security and stability of the country is assured as well as creating awareness of nationalism in his time. In the health sector, efforts to improve the quality of future generations of babies and this is done through a health program in the neighborhood health center and family planning, an integrated effort between government and community self-reliance programs. In its time, this program is very popular and successful. Many mothers work and care for the needs of their children in the most important moment in the growth period. That's a bit of services or achievements of President Suharto despite his services in addition to the many failures in government such as corruption, collusion and nepotism in his time, uneven development between the center and the regions, so bring the envy of the region, such as Papua.

Suharto president of the many services that so many who propose Indonesia Suharto as a national hero. Regardless of the number of parties who are still concerned about a number of legal cases Suharto, the facts in the history of Indonesia showed that Suharto had great merit to Indonesia. "The struggle for Indonesia's Suharto recorded in the history of this nation, among others, on the physical revolution between 1945 and 1949, the physical postrevolutionary between 1962 to 1967 and his tenure as president

Suharto figure remains controversial to this day. Small people remember him as a hero who provide cheap petrol and rice that can be reached. They are when it does not come into contact with politics and movements, will immediately nodded in agreement when asked Soeharto era better. Polemic about the title hero for Suharto was still full debate. Most agree, partly rejected outright. Some considered Suharto hero and savior Pancasila development. Some are considered Suharto bloody massacre on various actions during the transition to the Old Order New Order and so on. That article about biography president Suharto may be a reference and learning materials as well as for all readers.

PHOTO PHOTO MEMORIES former President Suharto