Biografi President Soekarno

Indonesian President 1

President, SoekarnoArtikel will discuss Profile or Biography of President Sukarno. Maybe until now he is the figure most admired people in Indonesia. The first President of the Republic of Indonesia which is more familiar in Bung Karno call comes from Blitar, he is a hero Proclamation along with Mohammad Hatta. President Sukarno was respected by the leaders of the countries in the world at that time. Sukarno was born in Surabaya, precisely on June 6, 1901 with the original name called Koesno Sosrodihardjo, due to frequent illness that may be caused because the name does not match then he later renamed Sukarno. His father was named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjon and mother named Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. When alive, the First President of Indonesia is known to have three wives where each wife gave her offspring. His first wife named Fatmawati gave him five children namely Megawati, Sukmawati, Rachmawati, Guntur and thunder, then from another wife named Hartini gave him two children, namely Typhoon and also Bayu.

Another wife of President Sukarno is a woman of Japanese descent named Naoko Nemoto which he later renamed Ratna Sari Dewi, from his marriage to Naoko Nemoto or Ratna Sari Dewi, President Sukarno whom she had a son named Kartika. On the life of President Sukarno, as a child he did not live with his parents who were in Blitar. From elementary to graduate school he later she lived or a boarder in the house of Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto in Surabaya, where Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto is the founder of the United Islan (SI). After graduation, Sukarno then continued his education at Hoogere Burger School or HBS. There he got a lot of knowledge or knowledge and spirit of nationalism would be a very large Indonesian nation.

In 1920 after graduating from Hoogere Burger School or HBS, young Sukarno then enter the Technische Hoogeschool (THS), the school was later changed its name to ITB until now. Sukarno studied there for six years where he later earned Engineers (Ir) on 25 May. After graduation, Sukarno later founded the National Party of Indonesia on July 4, 1927 and then began to practice the teachings of Marhaenisme. The purpose of the establishment of the Indonesian National Party is that the Indonesian people could be free, and regardless of the Colonial Dutch.

The courage of the Dutch colonial government then arrested him and then put into prison Likes Poor. In this prison all the necessities of life came from his wife. Inggit were also aided by a brother named Sukarmini ipranya often brought food to the poor Likes Sukarno in prison, it was later made in prison supervision Likes Poor increasingly tightened.


Sukarno known Dutch as a prisoner who is able to incite others to think for independence so that he then considered quite dangerous. He then isolated by elite prisoners objective that can not get the information that comes from outside the prison. This elite prisoners largely a Dutch citizen who has a case such as embezzlement, corruption and fraud, which is the Dutch goal that topic about how to liberate Indonesia is not appropriate because the average elite joint custody Sukarno were Dutch. he heard the usual topic completely unimportant as a matter of food in prison and also the weather. For months in Love Poor result Soekarno breaking communication with friends-arms, but it was not difficult for him to obtain information from the outside.

Sukarno eventually find a new idea, which he uses eggs as a medium to communicate with his wife. If Sukarno friend of the unfortunate or the egg gets bad news brought by his wife are salted egg, and even then he can only guess because he did not know exactly what's going on out there. To speak with Inggit, Sukarno closely monitored and also luggage carried by inggit from outside the prison always be carefully examined.

Biography of President Sukarno

Then Sukarno and inggit finally found the easiest way to communicate it deems not to be known by the Dutch that is the same media previously that eggs which used a slightly different way, namely by stabbing a needle into the egg. If a puncture on eggs means good news, if the puncture twice on eggs means that a friend of Sukarno caught but if there are three puncture means independence activists were arrested quite large.

Sukarno was released from prison Likes Poor december 1931 where he was imprisoned in 1929. During his time in prison, his orag never once visited Sukarno Sukarno reason is parents are not able to see Sukarno was imprisoned, he was thin and black while in jail because that's what according to Ward's mother so that parents do not want to visit Soekarno Sukarno. So that parents do not panic Sukarno often argued that he often worked under the hot sun so that the skin-skin blackened than that in prison he wants to heat up the bones because in prison, the room was very dark, damp and cold because the sun does not exist. Case is tried by the Dutch when it was eight months ago. Sukarno in pembelaanya make the title named "Indonesia Sues" in which he revealed that the Dutch nation as a greedy nation that had oppressed and robbed the independence of Indonesia. Of defense was then making the Netherlands increasingly angry that PNI formation Sukarno disbanded in July 1930. Once out dai prison, he then joined Partindo because he has not had another party where he was later appointed as the leader Partindo but he was re-arrested by the Dutch and then exiled to Flores and four years later he was exiled to Bengkulu, after that then Sukarno met with Mohammad Hatta, who would become his comrades in arms who then both will be proclaimed the independence of Indonesia.

On 17 August 1945, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Also Indonesia's independence from Japanese colonial rule in which the date is also celebrated as the Day of Indonesian independence which was then formed by Sukarno's Pancasila as the foundation of the Indonesian state. Proclamation of independence is then brought Ir. Sukarno along with Mohammad Hatta was appointed as President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia in Indonesian history.

Beyond the figure as a Father of the nation of Indonesia, not many know if Sukarno had been married nine times, outstanding charisma owned by Soekarno through the narrative of the people close to him, that's why beautiful women can easily enamored with him and his wife made. He was attracted to women is simple and also dress modestly.

His wife is Fatmawati ever asked President Sukarno of women who look sexy, but he replied that women with a polite and modest appearance and also appear as it is more attractive to preferred because a woman's beauty look of authenticity or simplicity. Sukarno did not like women who look sexy as wearing tight short skirt and wearing lipstick as a modern man in general, believe it or not American artist Marilyn Monroe really like the charisma of a President Soekarno.

Sukarno ideal woman is a faithful woman, conservative and also

can keep it. He was very happy when she was able to serve and guard, views on the US women who told him to wash dishes made Fatmawati be amazed and fascinated by the simplicity of a Fatmawati Soekarno so willingly accompanied him until his death.

President Sukarno and Mrs. Fatmawati

In the 1960s, a very great political upheaval in Indonesia, the main cause is the presence of a large rebellion by the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party), known as the G30-S / PKI which of these events then make the government of President Sukarno and the old order ended characterized by the existence of "Supersemar" or Supersemar year 1966 which contains an appeal from Sukarno to Suharto in order to control the security and order also states that when it is in turmoil and make Suharto as the new President of Indonesia.

After his position as President ended, he then spent more time in Bogor palace, in the long run continuously declining health so that he gets treatment by the presidential medical team to precisely on June 21, 1970 Sukarno Sukarno or last breath at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta . The departure of the Proclaimers once Indonesia's founding father's lap to Almighty leaving deep wounds for the people of Indonesia at that time. The bodies of the bung Karno then taken at Wisma Yaso, Jakarta after the body was then taken to Blitar, East Java to be buried near the grave of his mother Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Title "Hero Proclamation" given by the government for his services to the nation of Indonesia. The story of the struggle of Bung Karno was then appointed to the screen entitled "Sukarno: Indonesia Merdeka" directed by famous Hanung Ario Bayu Bramantio which acts as a figure of Sukarno, Inggit played by Maudy Koesnaedi and Fatmawati played by Tika Bravani.

Videos Quotes Words of Wisdom From Ir. Sukarno

Issues that Sukarno's death because in suicide slowly
Many argue and believe that Ir. Sukarno killed slowly in which the president Soeharto strictly supervise and regulate the treatment of Ir Soekarno when he was sick. At Wisma Yaso in Jln gatot Subroto he was held so that when sick he could not go anywhere so that detention is then made him suffer inwardly and outwardly, his family was not allowed freely to visit Sukarno.

When ill, many prescription drugs that can not be exchanged with the prescription drug which is given by dr. Mahar and against who led a team of
doctors at the time. So many piles of recipes when it's on the table detention Ir. Sukarno. The recipe is left alone and never exchanged for drugs. Many say the new rulers deliberately let soekarno ill and getting worse so that hastened his death. Medical equipment from China to heal Sukarno rejected by President Soeharto when it. Rachmawati Sukarnoputri said even just make up for a toothache also have permission from President Suharto.

When you visited or traveled to Bangkok, Thailand try visiting Madame Tussauds wax figure Sukarno contained therein. The statue is made of wax is made to resemble the figure of President Sukarno. The statue was created as a form of homage to Madame Tussauds mus to President Sukarno as one of the Proclaimers and as a founding father Sukarno of Indonesia and also the role of the international community during his tenure as President Sukarno.

Wax statue of Sukarno
Wax statue of Sukarno in Bangkok, Thailand

Here Quotes Words of Wisdom From President Sukarno
We are a great nation, we are not a nation of tempeh. We will not beg, we will not ask for it, especially if it aids diembel embroider with this condition that requirement! Better to eat cassava but independent, of the eating Bestik but slaves. [Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1963]
Great nation is a nation that respects heros. (Speech Heroes Day 10 Nop.1961)
Struggle easier because repel invaders, but it will be more difficult because your struggle against your own people.
Make this deritaku as testimony, that the power of a president even though there is a limit. Because power lasting just people's power. And above all is the power of God Almighty.
If in man there is still a sense of shame and fear to do something good, then the security for the people he meets are not going to progress a single step.
Nations that do not believe in the power of itself as a nation, can not stand as an independent nation.
......... Build a world in which all nations live in peace and brotherhood ......
Do not think we've all been quite instrumental in terms of three colors. As long as there is still mourning in shacks our work is finished! Fight continues to contribute as much as much sweat.
Give me 1000 parents, will undoubtedly pulled semeru of roots, give me one youth, will undoubtedly  i shake world
Nobody is counting: how lucky I got later of the Republic, if I struggled and sacrificed to defend
Do not look to the future with a blind eye! The past, is useful to be glass bengala of the future.
That is a brief article about the profile or biography of President Sukarno hopefully life story of the journey of Ir. Sukarno could be useful for all readers.